10 Free SEO Tools to Increase the Discoverability of Your Website in 2024

Any company hoping to expand its clientele and build its reputation must have an online presence. However, having a website alone is insufficient. To make your content easily discoverable by search engines, you must optimize it for discoverability. Making use of the appropriate SEO (search engine optimization) tools offers valuable insights to improve the visibility and search rankings of your website.

Here are 10 of the top free tools for comprehensive SEO analysis and tracking in 2024:

1. Google Search Console
You can view how Google bots crawl, index, and rank your website using Google Search Console. It offers important information on sitemaps, crawl errors, search analytics, and indexed pages, among other things. Any SEO strategy ought to commence with this.

2. MozBar
When you browse any website, you can quickly check for useful SEO data such as title tags, link metrics, domain authority, and page authority by using the MozBar browser extension. It assists in locating opportunities for both on-page and off-page optimization.

3. Ubersuggest
Using target seed keywords as its base, Ubersuggest is a free keyword research tool that produces extensive lists of keyword suggestions. Make use of it to identify low-competition keywords for your content marketing.

4. Google Analytics
Google Analytics provides a multitude of data about website visitors, such as demographics related to location, page views, landing pages, referral sources, and more. Understanding user behavior and content optimization depend heavily on this data.

5. Google PageSpeed Insights
This tool evaluates how well your website functions on desktop and mobile devices. Utilize it to find ways to speed up pages so that users’ experiences and search engine rankings are enhanced.

6. AnswerThePublic
With the help of this useful tool, you can see how relevant queries and questions relate to your focus keywords. The information is used to produce user-focused, SEO-friendly content.

7. Backlinko SEO Audit Checklist
Use our 203-point SEO audit checklist to evaluate your website and find opportunities for on-page optimization, technical problems affecting crawlability, and more.

8. SEMrush Keyword Difficulty Tool
For your target phrases, the SEMrush Keyword Difficulty tool offers monthly search volumes, keyword difficulty scores, and related keywords. Utilize it for research on keywords.

9. Google Mobile-Friendly Test
Verify whether Google thinks your web pages are mobile-friendly. To enhance mobile UX, address problems such as small text, viewport meta tags, large tables, etc.

10. Google Rich Results Test
Try different versions of your pages to see how structured data, videos, images, and other elements show up in search results. Make markup more suited for rich result previews.

Making use of these free SEO tools gives you useful information about how discoverable your website is right now. Throughout 2024, make use of them to consistently check and improve your search visibility.

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